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PointsPrizes - Trick to earn 1255 Points in just 30 mins

Stuck in 500 points?,750 points?. Never again this trick will give you a starting boost on earning at PointsPrizes in only 30 mins. Follow my step by step guide below. PointsPrizes is one of my way to earn free gift cards and psn codes for FREE and it is also UNLIMITED

First of all you need to register from the site (click here) then type in a valid email address or any email address, doesn't matter anyway but if you have to verify it make sure you can access your email provider.

You don't need a password to register - just your email.

Once you are inside the site you click "Earn Points" or just don't, once you are inside it will redirect you to the earn points page so just don't. One more thing don't go anywhere else in the site first. Follow me so that every points you get will count.

After that scroll down until you find this 5 games

So you're asking why did I choose this games? Because the only thing goal for this games is to die to earn points. Moving on, you need to open the 5 games simultaneously or just open them together, whatever you want to do.

resize each tab - just like this one. You can adjust if you want.

After that just play all the games until you reach 750 points. Don't do anything unless you reach 750 points.

If you're computer can't take 5 games opening at the same time, you might want to reduce to 4 or 3 or even 2 games to play comfortably but in return your earning of points will slow down. so I might suggest opening 4 or 3 games for faster result.

After you get 750 points - go to "Use Coupons"

Enter exactly this codes because If every point counts. This codes will give you exactly 500 points no more no less.


Now you are exactly 1250 points- it's freakin' easy man lol.

To get the 5 points go to "Earn Points" and scroll down for "Daily Poll"

Answer the damn questions already.

Congratulations you are now at 1255 points which is almost the half of the payout (3000 points) Now all you need to do now is do the offers. (Personal note: Offers in my country are freakin' trash) If you are from a wealthy country you can do offers but if you are in a country like mine. Just don't. You can only rely on referring someone which you can get 1 point every referral you got and 10% of there earnings (The offers that your referral do) One more thing you can't earn from your referral's referral, Do you get me on this?



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